Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Are you a cracked pot too?

So, like I said, I got sick. Blah, blah, blog... who doesn't have problems?! I have one friend who's husband left her and her three kids after 13 years of marriage for a woman he cared nothing about. Not only did he and the other woman break up immediately, but somehow my amazing friend, witnessed to the other woman's husband and he, the other woman, and their two daughters got saved! They're going to Heaven! SAY WHAT!? Thas what I said! Talk about being a vessel!

I have another friend who was totally lacking faith every time God didn't answer her prayers the way she thought He should. God was gonna change that though. Although He cares about our circumstances, He cares most about the condition of our hearts. So her husband was laid-off right before Christmas. At first she was a bit freaked (as we all would be) but then this peace came over her. Why? Cause what could she do? She had no control over anything, and she finally got it. God is in control. Now, during one of the possibly hardest times in her life, she runs around praying for all her friends who have it worse than her. Friends that are sick, hurting, dying... that's all she talks about... others.

So back when I got really sick... the kind where you stop moving completely... I started getting a wee bit better. For the first time in a year I was on the computer instead of on the couch. Most would be depressed by this. I mean it's a total lack of community. Zero opportunity to be God's hands and feet... something that had always seemed most important to me. Did God leave me there... useless? No, I discovered Facebook. I know what you're thinking... "How is that even remotely an outlet for anything positive?" Well, of course there's the reconnection of old friends and family... people you thought you'd NEVER see again. But I also started getting to know people at my church. We'd see each other and hug or laugh over something... point is, I was in community again. But useful? Yes. I started playing on-line Scrabble. Oddly enough, I got kinda good at it. My friends wouldn't play as much as I wanted them too, so I started playing strangers. Tons of Canadians (shout out! :) I was making new friends, and even getting to share the gospel to those who were open. I pray for them and care about them and meet dozens of new people every week. Many who need to know God loves them. He can even use a sick girl playing on-line Scrabble! The following story speaks our worth in His eyes best.

Did you hear about the man from India who carried two pots down to the river to fill them and return to his village? One had a crack, the other didn't. At the end of the man's life, the pots were sad that he was dying. The cracked pot apologized to the man for never being good enough... for failing him. The man laughed at the cracked pots perspective. "Cracked pot, do you not know?" The pot was silent. "Look at the path lined with beautiful flowers. Everyone in the village loves this path because of them. Their loads seem lighter as they gaze at the beauty. YOU did that! You watered the path for years. Your imperfections were used to make something beautiful. You were perfect for the job you were chosen for!"


  1. That makes me think...
    SO we need to be unsatisfied with our imperfections, but trusting that our weakness is what God will use for His glory.
    So woot-woot for all us crack pots. hahaha :)

    I miss you!

  2. In our weakness He is strong :)
    And I love you, my little cracked pot.

  3. Great blog Beth! I have a blog too that I would love for you to follow also; however, I am not the fancy writer that a lot of people are. I also tend to hide my heart too much, afraid that people don't want to hear me...after all, who am I but another voice out there...OH OH, maybe I AM a cracked pot afterall!! Thanks for being my friend.

  4. How precious are you?!!! R(no H)onda,
    what you and your family are doing every day is of more value to the Kingdom of God than what many of us do in a lifetime (and more exciting too :). I want to put my mom's and daughter's blog up to follow, but haven't figured out how yet. I will put yours up too when I do. Thanks for commenting!

  5. I wish...I wish...I wish...This money thing...I wish...I wish...I wish

  6. I used to do a blog with a guy in Minnesota (whom I have never met!) and it wasn't hard to share it and each of us did articles. We were on blogger too. Leta

  7. Oh, I totally misunderstood. lol Leta Doh!

  8. Leta, Leta, Doh Leta,
    Banana, Fana, Foh Leta,
    Me, Mi, Mo, Leta!
    Doh Leta.

    That's ok, I probably wouldn't have gotten it even if it did make sense :)

  9. Amen! I am SOOOOO a cracked pot Beth! God called me, I fell into a deep canyon... I put myself on a shelf. Then God whispered to me... 'Wendy... it is through the cracks that My light shines through you to others.' I crawled out of the canyon and let my sweet Jesus use me. Like a lyric from an old song 'If you can use anything Lord, You can use me!'
    Thank God!

  10. Cracked Pots! I love it! God can work mightly with cracked pots that is true. Thanks Beth for sharing! Blessings.
